Service Architecture

The service has an architecture based in docker containers. Currently it uses three different containers:

  • Web container: This container exposes the only open port of all system. Provides a gunicorn web server that accepts HTTP requests to the REST API and responds to them.
  • Celery Container: This container is running on the background waiting for a task on its queue. It contains all library code and celery.
  • Redis container: The redis key-value storage is a dependency from Celery. It also stores all the progress of the tasks running on Celery queue.

Server deployment

The old version of this repository didn’t had any Dockerfile or image available to run the code. This has changed, and two containers has been created to hold both web server and asyncronous task daemon (celery).

Also, a simple container orchestation with docker-compose has been used. You can see all the information inside images/ folder. It contains two Dockerfiles and a docker-compose.yml that allows to build instantly the two images and connect the containers. To run them you only have to clone the entire repository and execute those commands:

cd images/
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The previous method is still available if you can’t use docker-compose on your machine

Images used

The previous image used on developement environment was recognai/jupyter-scipy-kge. This image contains a lot of code that the library and rest service does not use.

Using continuumio/miniconda3 docker image as base, it is possible to install only the required packages, minimizing the overall size of the container.

Both containers will launch a script on startup that will reinstall the kge-server package on python path, to get latest developement version running, and then will launch the service itself: gunicorn or celery worker.

Standalone containers to use in production are not still available.

Filesystem permissions

The images used creates a new user called kgeserver with 1001 as its UID and owns to the users group. This is helpful for a user running in development environment. But the docker-compose file mounts some folders from host machine that can create some PermissionError exceptions. To avoid them, always use write permissions for users group. You are also free to modify the Dockerfile to solve the UID issues you could have inside your system.

The docker-compose command will create inside both celery and web containers a data volume which is mounted on the root of the github repository.


Currently, while development is taking place, the port which is being used is 6789, but you can change this easily on the docker_compose.yml file.

How to build documentation

This documentation page is built using sphinx framework, and is written in reStructuredText. To build some documentation strings, it needs to have some python libraries installed like numpy or scikit-learn. It exists one image to build this docs automatically, just running a docker container

cd images/sphinx-doc
docker build -t sphinx-doc .
docker run --rm -v $PWD/../..:/home/kgeserver/kge-server sphinx-doc html

You may noticed the last argument called html. It is the argument that will be passed to the make argument. In this case, calling to html will lead to a new doc/build/html folder with all new generated docs.