#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding:utf-8
# WikidataDataset Class: Creates a data set from Wikidata
# Copyright (C) 2016 Víctor Fernández Rico <vfrico@gmail.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import kgeserver
import kgeserver.dataset
import re
import math
[docs]class ESDBpediaDataset(kgeserver.dataset.Dataset):
[docs] def __init__(self, thread_limiter=2):
"""Creates WikidataDataset class
The default endpoint is the original from wikidata.
:param string new_endpoint: The URI of the SPARQL endpoint
:param integer thread_limiter: The number of concurrent HTTP queries
sparql_endpoint = "http://es.dbpedia.org/sparql?query="
super(ESDBpediaDataset, self).__init__(sparql_endpoint=sparql_endpoint,
# Save all entities already explored by process_entity (saves time)
self.entities_explored = {}
def check_entity(self, entity):
# Example http://es.dbpedia.org/resource/Siemens_Velaro
entity_uri = entity.split("/")
dbpedia_id = entity_uri # Returns the entire URI
# The last uri number should start with Q and has entity keyword
# Number after Q must be a valid integer
if entity_uri[-2] == 'resource' and\
entity_uri[2] == 'es.dbpedia.org':
# print("Entity", entity, True)
return entity
# print("Entity", entity, False)
return None
except (ValueError, IndexError):
# print("Entity", entity, False)
return None
# print("Entity", entity, False)
return None
def check_relation(self, relation):
# Example http://es.dbpedia.org/property/vmax
# http://es.dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageRedirects
# http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/isPrimaryTopicOf
# http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs
# http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
entity_uri = relation.split("/")
dbpedia_id = entity_uri
# The last uri number should start with Q and has entity keyword
# Number after Q must be a valid integer
if (entity_uri[-2] == 'property' and
entity_uri[-1] != "wikiPageWikiLink") or\
(entity_uri[-2] == 'ontology' and
entity_uri[-1] != "wikiPageWikiLink") or\
entity_uri[2] == 'xmlns.com' or\
entity_uri[2] == 'www.w3.org':
# print("relation:", relation, True)
return relation
# print("relation1:", relation, False)
return None
except (ValueError, IndexError):
# print("relation2:", relation, False)
return None
# print("relation3:", relation, False)
return None
[docs] def load_from_graph_pattern(self, verbose=0, where="", **kwargs):
"""Auxiliar method that outputs a list of seed elements
This seed vector will be the 'root nodes' of a tree with the
desired depth on parent class (`load_dataset_recurrently`)
:param verbose: The desired level of verbosity
:param string where: SPARQL where to construct query
:param int batch_size: The size of batches queried each time
:return: A list of entities
:rtype: list
# Count all Wikidata elements
count_query = """
PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
SELECT (count(*) as ?count)
if verbose > 2:
print("The count query is: \n", count_query)
sts, count_json = self.execute_query(count_query)
if verbose > 2:
print(sts, count_json)
# The number of elements
entities_number = int(count_json[0]['count']['value'])
if verbose > 0:
print("Found {} entities".format(entities_number))
if 'batch_size' in kwargs:
limit = kwargs['batch_size']
limit = 100000
seed_vector = []
rounds_number = math.ceil(entities_number / limit)
print("Hay {} tripletas, se van a hacer {} consultas".format(
entities_number, rounds_number))
if 'start_callback' in kwargs:
for q in range(0, rounds_number):
offset = q * limit
first_query = """
PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
SELECT ?subject ?object ?predicate
}} LIMIT {0} OFFSET {1}
""".format(limit, offset, where)
if verbose > 2:
print("The query is: \n", first_query)
if 'callback' in kwargs:
# sts, first_json = self.execute_query(first_query)
# if verbose > 2:
# print(sts, len(first_json))
# seed_vector += [entity['subject']['value']
# for entity in first_json]
return self.entities
[docs] def _process_entity(self, entity, verbose=0,
graph_pattern=("{0} ?predicate ?object . ")):
"""Take entity and explore all relations and entities related to it
This will execute the SPARQL query with the params passed to
build a dataset with the *object* elements on triples retrieved
from the server.
:return: A list with new entities to be scanned
# Check first if entity has been already explored
if self.exist_element(self.check_entity(entity),
return False
wdt_entity = "<{0}>".format(entity)
el_query = """SELECT ({1} as ?subject) ?predicate ?object
if verbose > 2:
print("The element query is: \n", el_query)
# Get all related elements
sts, el_json = self.execute_query(el_query)
if verbose > 2:
print("HTTP", sts, len(el_json))
# Check future errors
if sts is not 200:
return False
# Mark entity as already explored
self.entities_explored[self.check_entity(entity)] = True
# Entities to be explored next level
to_queue = []
# For related elements, get all relations and objects
for relation in el_json:
object_uri = relation['object']['value']
# Add the subject scanned only if is valid
obj = self.check_entity(object_uri)
if obj:
# Add triple will ensure every elements are valid
self.add_triple(entity, relation['object']['value'],
except KeyError:
print("Error on relation: {}".format(relation))
return False
return to_queue