#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding:utf-8
# Model class: create and train a model
# Copyright (C) 2016 Víctor Fernández Rico <vfrico@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2016 Maximilian Nickel <mnick@mit.edu>
# This file include original part of the holographic-embeddings
# project, which is located in GitHub:
# <https://github.com/mnick/holographic-embeddings/>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import numpy as np
import threading
import itertools
import skge
import kgeserver.dataset as dataset
import kgeserver.experiment as experiment
class TransEEval(experiment.FilteredRankingEval):
def prepare(self, mdl, p):
self.ER = mdl.E + mdl.R[p]
def scores_o(self, mdl, s, p):
return -np.sum(np.abs(self.ER[s] - mdl.E), axis=1)
def scores_s(self, mdl, o, p):
return -np.sum(np.abs(self.ER - mdl.E[o]), axis=1)
class HolEEval(experiment.FilteredRankingEval):
def prepare(self, mdl, p):
self.ER = skge.util.ccorr(mdl.R[p], mdl.E)
def scores_o(self, mdl, s, p):
return np.dot(self.ER, mdl.E[s])
def scores_s(self, mdl, o, p):
return np.dot(mdl.E, self.ER[o])
[docs]class ModelTrainer(experiment.Experiment):
"""Creates a Model from a dataset and trains it"""
def __init__(self, dataset, ncomp=150, afs='sigmoid',
model_type=skge.TransE, eval_type=TransEEval, **kwargs):
"""Constructor method.
:param Dataset dataset: The dataset to train
:param int ncomp: Number of latent components
:param string afs: Activation function
:param skge.Trainer trainer_type: The class desired for the trainer
:param skge.Model model_type: The Model used to train
:param Class eval_type: The class used to evaluate the model
:param float margin: Margin for loss function
:param string init: Initialization method
:param float lr: Learning rate
:param int max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs
:param int ne: Number of negative examples
:param int nbatches: Number of batches
:param string fout: Path to store model and results TODO->CHANGE
:param string fin: Path to imput data TODO->CHANGE
:param int test_all: Evaluate the modell after x epochs
:param bool no_pairwise: If true, trainer used is no pairwise
:param string mode:
:param string sampler:
super(ModelTrainer, self).__init__(dataset, **kwargs)
self.ncomp = ncomp
self.evaluator = eval_type
self.trainer_type = trainer_type
self.model_type = model_type
self.afs = afs
def setup_trainer(self, size, sampler):
"""Configures a model and a trainer to be used in train method
:param tuple size: A tuple (X, Y, Z) with the size of tensor
:param skge.Sampler sampler: A sampler used by trainer.
:return: An instantiated trainer
:rtype: skge.Trainer
model = self.model_type(size, self.ncomp, init=self.init, rparam=0,
trainer = self.trainer_type(
return trainer
def get_conf(self):
"""Returns a dict with all model configuration
return {'ncomp': self.ncomp,
'afs': self.afs,
'trainer_type': self.trainer_type,
'model_type': self.model_type,
'evaluator': self.evaluator,
'margin': self.margin,
'init': self.init,
'lr': self.lr,
'max_epochs': self.me,
'ne': self.ne,
'nbatches': self.nb,
'test_all': self.test_all,
'no_pairwise': self.no_pairwise,
'mode': self.mode,
'sampler': self.sampler}
[docs]class Algorithm():
"""Generate several models to test and choose the right one
def __init__(self, dataset, thread_limiter=4):
self.dataset = dataset
self.th_semaphore = threading.Semaphore(thread_limiter)
[docs] def find_best(self, margins=[0.2, 2.0], ncomps=range(50, 100, 20),
model_types=[skge.HolE, skge.TransE], **kwargs):
"""Find the best training params for a given dataset
This method makes several trains with different models and
parameters, and returns a ModelTrainer Instance.
:param list margins: A list of all margins to try
:param list ncomps: A list of latent components
:param list model_types: A list of models
# Create a pool of threads
threads = []
# The list of model trainer that will be created
model_trainer_list = []
model_trainer_scores = []
num = 0
for tup in itertools.product(margins, ncomps, model_types):
if tup[2] == skge.HolE:
evaluator = HolEEval
evaluator = TransEEval
# Fill model trainer
modtr = ModelTrainer(self.dataset, model_type=tup[2],
margin=tup[0], ncomp=tup[1], th_num=num,
eval_type=evaluator, **kwargs)
num += 1
# callback will find best epoch the model get best score
def callbk_fn(modeltrainer):
print("[%d]Un model trainer ha terminado" % modeltrainer.th_num)
# Extract evaluation data
tuples = [(e['score'], e['epoch']) for e in modeltrainer.scores]
sorted_scores = sorted(tuples, key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)
print("[{}] {}".format(modeltrainer.th_num, sorted_scores))
model_trainer_scores.append((modeltrainer, sorted_scores))
# for t in :
# modeltrainer.best_epoch = t[1]
# print(modeltrainer.__dict__)
# Launch threads for each model trainer
for mt in model_trainer_list:
t = threading.Thread(
args=(callbk_fn, ))
for th in threads:
best = sorted(model_trainer_scores,
key=lambda t: t[1][0], reverse=True)[0]
kwdict = best[0].get_conf()
kwdict['train_all'] = True
kwdict['test_all'] = -1
new_model_trainer = ModelTrainer(self.dataset, **kwdict)
return (model_trainer_scores, best, new_model_trainer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
dtset = dataset.Dataset()
# dataset.load_from_binary("holographic-embeddings/data/wn18.bin")
alg = Algorithm(dtset)
# modeltrainer = ModelTrainer(dtset, model_type=skge.HolE, test_all=10,
# max_epochs=200, margin=0.2, ncomp=50,
# mode="rank")
# modeltrained = modeltrainer.run()
# print(modeltrainer.scores)