Algorithm module

This module contains several Class. The main purpose of the module is to provide a clear training interface. It will train several models with several distinct configs and choose the best one. After this, it will create a ModelTrainer class ready to train the entire model.


Here is shown all the different methods to use with dataset class

class kgeserver.algorithm.ModelTrainer(dataset, ncomp=150, afs='sigmoid', trainer_type=<class 'skge.base.PairwiseStochasticTrainer'>, model_type=<class 'skge.transe.TransE'>, eval_type=<class 'kgeserver.algorithm.TransEEval'>, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a Model from a dataset and trains it

class kgeserver.algorithm.Algorithm(dataset, thread_limiter=4)[source]

Generate several models to test and choose the right one

find_best(margins=[0.2, 2.0], ncomps=range(50, 100, 20), model_types=[<class 'skge.hole.HolE'>, <class 'skge.transe.TransE'>], **kwargs)[source]

Find the best training params for a given dataset

This method makes several trains with different models and parameters, and returns a ModelTrainer Instance. :param list margins: A list of all margins to try :param list ncomps: A list of latent components :param list model_types: A list of models

Experiment class

This class is a modified version of the file which can be found on, and was created by Maximilian Nickel


Here is shown all the different methods to use with experiment class

class kgeserver.experiment.Experiment(dataset, th_num=0, train_all=False, margin=2.0, init='nunif', lr=0.1, max_epochs=500, ne=1, nbatches=100, fout=None, fin=None, test_all=50, no_pairwise=False, mode='rank', sampler='random-mode', **k)[source]
ranking_callback(trn, with_eval=False)[source]

Print basic info


Configure ModelTrainer and start the trainer.

Returns:The trained model
Return type:skge.Model
save_trained_model(filepath, model)[source]

Given a model and a filepath, save it to disk


Used when threads are created


Train the model