Source code for kgeserver.experiment

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding:utf-8
# Experiment class: create and train a model
# Copyright (C) 2016 Víctor Fernández Rico <>
# Copyright (C) 2016 Maximilian Nickel <>
#   The original file can be found on
#   <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import numpy as np
from numpy import argsort
from collections import defaultdict as ddict
import pickle
import timeit
import logging
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, auc, roc_auc_score

from skge import sample
from skge.util import to_tensor

log = logging.getLogger('EX-KG')

[docs]class Experiment(object): def __init__(self, dataset, th_num=0, train_all=False, margin=2.0, init='nunif', lr=0.1, max_epochs=500, ne=1, nbatches=100, fout=None, fin=None, test_all=50, no_pairwise=False, mode='rank', sampler='random-mode', **k): """ :param Dataset dataset: The dataset to train :param float margin: Margin for loss function :param string init: Initialization method :param float lr: Learning rate :param integer max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs :param integer ne: Number of negative examples :param integer nbatches: Number of batches :param string fout: Path to store model and results TODO->CHANGE :param string fin: Path to imput data TODO->CHANGE :param integer test_all: Evaluate the modell after x epochs :param bool no_pairwise: If true, trainer used is no pairwise :param string mode: :param string sampler: :param bool train_all: Train with all triplets or use only train subs """ self.margin = margin # Margin for loss function self.init = init # Initialization method = lr # Learning rate = max_epochs # Maximum number of iterations = ne # Negative examples self.nb = nbatches # Number of batches self.fout = fout # Path to store model # self.fin = fin # Path to imput data self.test_all = test_all # Evaluate the model each x epochs self.no_pairwise = no_pairwise # True if trainer is no pairwise self.mode = mode self.sampler = sampler self.train_all = train_all self.neval = -1 self.best_valid_score = -1.0 self.exectimes = [] # Store the score and epochs self.scores = [] self.violations = [] self.best_epoch = None self.th_num = th_num self.dataset = dataset try: self.external_callback = k.pop("external_callback") except Exception: self.external_callback = None
[docs] def run(self): """Configure ModelTrainer and start the trainer. :return: The trained model :rtype: skge.Model """ if self.mode == 'rank': self.callback = self.ranking_callback elif self.mode == 'lp': self.callback = self.lp_callback self.evaluator = LinkPredictionEval else: raise ValueError('Unknown experiment mode (%s)' % self.mode) trainer = self.train() return trainer.model
[docs] def save_trained_model(self, filepath, model): """Given a model and a filepath, save it to disk""" try: bin_file = open(filepath, "wb+") except Exception: print("Failed when loading file") return pickle.dump(bin_file, model)
[docs] def thread_start(self, callback): """Used when threads are created""" callback(self)
[docs] def ranking_callback(self, trn, with_eval=False): """Print basic info""" # print basic info elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - trn.epoch_start self.exectimes.append(elapsed) if self.no_pairwise: print("[%d][%3d] time = %ds, loss = %f" % (self.th_num, trn.epoch, elapsed, trn.loss)) else: print("[%d][%3d] time = %ds, violations = %d" % (self.th_num, trn.epoch, elapsed, trn.nviolations)) self.violations.append(trn.nviolations) if self.test_all > 0 and (trn.epoch % self.test_all == 0 or with_eval)\ and not trn.stop_training: print("[%d] before eval" % self.th_num) pos_v, fpos_v = self.ev_valid.positions(trn.model) print("[%d] after eval, {} before ranking" % self.th_num) fmrr_valid = ranking_scores(pos_v, fpos_v, trn.epoch, 'VALID') print("[%d] after ranking" % self.th_num) print("[%d] FMRR valid = %f, best = %f" % (self.th_num, fmrr_valid, self.best_valid_score)) # Store fmrr_valid score with params. self.scores.append({'score': fmrr_valid, 'epoch': trn.epoch, 'type': "FMRR"}) # If scores are too low, is better to stop the trainer if fmrr_valid < 0.1: trn.stop_training = True # If violations to the trainer are the same, stop the trainer if self.violations[0] == self.violations[-1]: trn.stop_training = True # if improved the validation error, store model and calc test error if fmrr_valid > self.best_valid_score: self.best_valid_score = fmrr_valid pos_t, fpos_t = self.ev_test.positions(trn.model) ranking_scores(pos_t, fpos_t, trn.epoch, 'TEST') if self.fout is not None: st = { 'model': trn.model, 'pos test': pos_t, 'fpos test': fpos_t, 'pos valid': pos_v, 'fpos valid': fpos_v, 'exectimes': self.exectimes } with open(self.fout, 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(st, fout, protocol=2) try: self.external_callback(trn) except Exception: # Callback is not present pass return True
def lp_callback(self, m, with_eval=False): # print basic info elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - m.epoch_start self.exectimes.append(elapsed) if self.no_pairwise: print("[%d][%3d] time = %ds, loss = %d" % (self.th_num, m.epoch, elapsed, m.loss)) else: print("[%d][%3d] time = %ds, violations = %d" % (self.th_num, m.epoch, elapsed, m.nviolations)) # if we improved the validation error, store model and calc test error if self.test_all > 0 and (m.epoch % self.test_all == 0 or with_eval): auc_valid, roc_valid = self.ev_valid.scores(m) print("[%d] AUC PR valid = %f, best = %f" % (self.th_num, auc_valid, self.best_valid_score)) # Store fmrr_valid score with params. self.scores.append({'score': auc_valid, 'epoch': trn.epoch, 'type': "AUC_PR"}) self.scores.append({'score': roc_valid, 'epoch': trn.epoch, 'type': "AUC_ROC"}) if auc_valid > self.best_valid_score: self.best_valid_score = auc_valid auc_test, roc_test = self.ev_test.scores(m) print("[%d] AUC PR test = %f, AUC ROC test = %f" % (self.th_num, auc_test, roc_test)) if self.fout is not None: st = { 'model': m, 'auc pr test': auc_test, 'auc pr valid': auc_valid, 'auc roc test': roc_test, 'auc roc valid': roc_valid, 'exectimes': self.exectimes } with open(self.fout, 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(st, fout, protocol=2) return True
[docs] def train(self): """Train the model""" # Compute training vector size N = len(self.dataset.entities) M = len(self.dataset.relations) sz = (N, N, M) # Extract triples from dataset subs = self.dataset.train_split() true_triples = subs['train_subs'] + \ subs['test_subs'] + subs['valid_subs'] if self.train_all: xs = true_triples else: xs = subs['train_subs'] ys = np.ones(len(xs)) # Instantiate the evaluator if self.mode == 'rank': self.ev_test = self.evaluator(subs['test_subs'], true_triples, self.neval) self.ev_valid = self.evaluator(subs['valid_subs'], true_triples, self.neval) # ¹Assuming labels are if triple is either true or false: elif self.mode == 'lp': self.ev_test = self.evaluator(subs['test_subs'], # subs['test_labels']) np.ones(len(subs['test_subs']))) self.ev_valid = self.evaluator(subs['valid_subs'], # subs['valid_labels']) np.ones(len(subs['valid_subs']))) # create sampling objects if self.sampler == 'corrupted': # create type index, here it is ok to use the whole data sampler = sample.CorruptedSampler(, xs, ti) elif self.sampler == 'random-mode': sampler = sample.RandomModeSampler(, [0, 1], xs, sz) elif self.sampler == 'lcwa': sampler = sample.LCWASampler(, [0, 1, 2], xs, sz) else: raise ValueError('Unknown sampler (%s)' % self.sampler) # Instantiate trainer trn = self.setup_trainer(sz, sampler) print("Fitting model %s with trainer %s" % ( trn.model.__class__.__name__, trn.__class__.__name__) ) # Start trainer, ys) self.callback(trn, with_eval=True) return trn
class FilteredRankingEval(object): def __init__(self, xs, true_triples, neval=-1): idx = ddict(list) # tt stands for true triples tt = ddict(lambda: {'ss': ddict(list), 'os': ddict(list)}) self.neval = neval = len(xs) for s, o, p in xs: idx[p].append((s, o)) # For each predicate (tt[p]): # ss is: subjects related to object # os is: objects related to subject for s, o, p in true_triples: tt[p]['os'][s].append(o) tt[p]['ss'][o].append(s) # Unpack dict self.idx = dict(idx) = dict(tt) self.neval = {} for p, sos in self.idx.items(): if neval == -1: self.neval[p] = -1 else: self.neval[p] = * len(sos) / len(xs))) def positions(self, mdl): pos = {} fpos = {} if hasattr(self, 'prepare_global'): self.prepare_global(mdl) for p, sos in self.idx.items(): ppos = {'head': [], 'tail': []} pfpos = {'head': [], 'tail': []} if hasattr(self, 'prepare'): self.prepare(mdl, p) for s, o in sos[:self.neval[p]]: scores_o = self.scores_o(mdl, s, p).flatten() sortidx_o = argsort(scores_o)[::-1] ppos['tail'].append(np.where(sortidx_o == o)[0][0] + 1) rm_idx =[p]['os'][s] rm_idx = [i for i in rm_idx if i != o] scores_o[rm_idx] = -np.Inf sortidx_o = argsort(scores_o)[::-1] pfpos['tail'].append(np.where(sortidx_o == o)[0][0] + 1) scores_s = self.scores_s(mdl, o, p).flatten() sortidx_s = argsort(scores_s)[::-1] ppos['head'].append(np.where(sortidx_s == s)[0][0] + 1) rm_idx =[p]['ss'][o] rm_idx = [i for i in rm_idx if i != s] scores_s[rm_idx] = -np.Inf sortidx_s = argsort(scores_s)[::-1] pfpos['head'].append(np.where(sortidx_s == s)[0][0] + 1) pos[p] = ppos fpos[p] = pfpos return pos, fpos class LinkPredictionEval(object): def __init__(self, xs, ys): ss, os, ps = list(zip(*xs)) = list(ss) = list(ps) self.os = list(os) self.ys = ys def scores(self, mdl): scores = mdl._scores(,, self.os) pr, rc, _ = precision_recall_curve(self.ys, scores) roc = roc_auc_score(self.ys, scores) return auc(rc, pr), roc def ranking_scores(pos, fpos, epoch, txt): hpos = [p for k in pos.keys() for p in pos[k]['head']] tpos = [p for k in pos.keys() for p in pos[k]['tail']] fhpos = [p for k in fpos.keys() for p in fpos[k]['head']] ftpos = [p for k in fpos.keys() for p in fpos[k]['tail']] fmrr = _print_pos( np.array(hpos + tpos), np.array(fhpos + ftpos), epoch, txt) return fmrr def _print_pos(pos, fpos, epoch, txt): mrr, mean_pos, hits = compute_scores(pos) fmrr, fmean_pos, fhits = compute_scores(fpos) print(("[%3d] %s: MRR = %.2f/%.2f, " "Mean Rank = %.2f/%.2f, Hits@10 = %.2f/%.2f") % (epoch, txt, mrr, fmrr, mean_pos, fmean_pos, hits, fhits)) return fmrr def compute_scores(pos, hits=10): mrr = np.mean(1.0 / pos) mean_pos = np.mean(pos) hits = np.mean(pos <= hits).sum() * 100 return mrr, mean_pos, hits def cardinalities(xs, ys, sz): T = to_tensor(xs, ys, sz) c_head = [] c_tail = [] for Ti in T: sh = Ti.tocsr().sum(axis=1) st = Ti.tocsc().sum(axis=0) c_head.append(sh[np.where(sh)].mean()) c_tail.append(st[np.where(st)].mean()) cards = {'1-1': [], '1-N': [], 'M-1': [], 'M-N': []} for k in range(sz[2]): if c_head[k] < 1.5 and c_tail[k] < 1.5: cards['1-1'].append(k) elif c_head[k] < 1.5: cards['1-N'].append(k) elif c_tail[k] < 1.5: cards['M-1'].append(k) else: cards['M-N'].append(k) return cards